** TINS of TASTE MUSEUM ** within the NationalBreadMuseum.org

USA - C ~ Companies w/Tins

On this page are the individual, alphabetical, C companies, including the companies in the Groups of
3) Candy-Gum; 4) Cereals; 5) Cocoa-Hot Chocolate; & 6) Coffee
Coca-Cola is not included because it's on its own page.

~ Table of Contents ~

Archiving the database of tins is a work in progress.
Note that the
names in bold and in this color are the ones which, so far, have a tin displayed on this page.


Campbell's Soups

G R O U P #3:  Candy - Gum

1 of 42 - After Eight
Andes Mints
3 of 42 - Barton's 
Boston Baked Beans (candy)
5 of 42 - Baby Ruth; Baseball
7 of 42 - Everton
8 of 42 - Fanny Farmer
9 of 42 - Ghirardelli
10 of 42 - GooGoo Cluster
11 of 42 - Hershey
Lancaster Co.-Simon's Candy
13 of 42 - Life Savers
3 Musketeers
15 of 42 - 
M & M's
16 of 42 - M & M's Peanuts

Mars Bar
18 of 42 - Milky Way
19 of 42 - 
Mrs. Leland's Old Fash. Butter Bits
20 of 42 - 
é - Bit-O-Honey
Nestlé - Butterfinger
Nestlé - Crunch
24 of 42 - Nestlé - Sweet Tarts
25 of 42 - Old Mission Candies

Reese's Rocky Mountain Chocolate
28 of 42 - Roca
29 of 42 - Russell Stovers
30 of 42 - Scripture Candy
See's Candies
35 of 42 - Swiss Colony
"The Chiefs Jelly Beans"
37 of 42 - Tootsie Roll
39 of 42 - Werther's Original
40 of 42 - Whitman's

41 of 42- 
Willy Wonka
42 of 42 -
Group #3 Ends ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

G R O U P #4:  Cereals
All Bran
Chex Party Mix
Cream of Wheat
Gerber's (cereal)
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Kellogg's Rice Krispies

Quaker Oats
Shredded Wheat

Group #4 Ends ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

C - continues

"Chicago Candy Capitol" (Navy Pier)

G R O U P #5:  Cocoa - Hot Chocolate
Carnation Hot Cocoa (Nestlé)

Hershey's Cocoa
McSteven's Kid's Cocoa
"Snoopy" Hot Chocolate
Swiss Colony, The
Van Houten Dutch Cocoa (USA?)
Group #5 Ends ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

G R O U P #6:  Coffee
Chase & Sanborn Coffee
Hills Bros. Coffee
J. A. Folger (coffee)
Maxwell House (coffee)
Proctor & Gamble (coffee)

Group #6 Ends ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

C - continues

Collins Street Bakery (fruitcake)

Cracker Jacks (caramel corn)

NOTE:  Photographing tins begins with the cover as the shape, & then the body or panels begin with the seam on the left & turning the tin clockwise.  Repeat designs on the sides/ends & front/back are not additional photos.  If the bottom is empty, there is no photo.  Sometimes bottom info is given without a photo.  In certain situations all photos are not shown (as in this first Campbell's S&P shaker set).

Campbell's Soups 

Company began in 1869.
1895 - 1st soup, Beefsteak Tomato
1897 - began "condensed" soup
1898 - began red & white label
1913 - began Cream of Celery Soup
1916 - 1st Cookbook - 
Helps for the Hostess 

Salt & Pepper Shakers
Salt & Pepper Shakers

Begin Group #3 for
Candy-Gum (42 companies)

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~ 

1 of 42- After Eight
2 of 42 - Andes Mints

3 of 42 - Barton's  - Founded in Europe in 1898; 1st store in New York - 1938; Today produced in Pennsylvania.

4 of 42 - Boston Baked Beans (candy)
5 of 42 - Baby Ruth; Baseball
6 of 42 - Brach's

7 of 42 - Everton - by Everton Toffee Co., El Segundo, CA 90245; https://www.evertontoffee.com/
On the tin it says Molly Bushell made her first batch of candy in 1753, in her village of Everton, England, the world recognized birthplace of toffee.    

Toffee - Make your own!  So simple:  butter, sugar, & maybe water or other liquids; basics:  boil over moderate heat (medium) till 280-300°; pour onto an ungreased cookie sheet - spread a bit, top w/chocolate - melt, spread.  You might put almonds in or on top, 1 side or both, etc.  Lots of variety to your liking❤😉.  Grandma's recipe or online!  

8 of 42 - Fanny Farmer - a full history of Fanny Farmer Candy from 1919 till 1992 when acquired as a sister brand to Fanny May; 2004 merged into Fanny May; 2006 sold @$85M; 2017 sold @$115M (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanny_Farmer
V. good history article:  

Made for a Fanny Farmer Candy Shops, Inc., in Bedford, Massachusetts 01730; tin made in Japan.  Date:  possibly 1980s.

9 of 42 - Ghirardelli - San Francisco, California, since 1852;  https://www.ghirardelli.com/

10 of 42 - GooGoo Cluster

12 of 42 - Lancaster Co.-Simon's Candy

13 of 42 - Life Savers (c. 1912)  Today, owned by Mars, Inc.;  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_Savers
The "Planters Lifesavers Co." (the 
© holder on this tin) has been dissolved.  

14 of 42 - 3 Musketeers (This is the bottom half of a Milky Way bar which also has a layer of caramel.  Around the world, the U.S.'s 3 Musketeers candy bar is sold by the name, Milky Way candy bar, and the U.S.'s Milky Way is sold by the name, Mars bar.   

15 of 42 - M & M's  -  Both of these are owned by Mars, Inc.;  https://www.mms.com/en-gb/explore/about-us
16 of 42 - M & M's Peanuts  -  detailed timeline of history:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%26M%27s
Interesting to read:  https://www.history.com/news/the-wartime-origins-of-the-mm  

2018 - There were 6 tins in a packet for $12.00, tins filled with each of the candies, some of the ones owned by the Mars Co.  Each 3" squared; (TTM#3215-16, 3247-50) 

18 of 42 - Milky Way - owned by Mars, Inc. (c. 1923), created by Frank Mars in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  His son suggested making a candy bar in the flavor of the then-popular milkshake called a "malted milk drink."  It wasn't named after the Milky Way in our galaxy!  

19 of 42 - Mrs. Leland's Old Fash. Butter Bits  (c. ?)

---Nestlé - Their regular "chocolate bar" is no longer being produced" (2023 report)
21 of 42 - Nestlé Bit-O-Honey
22 of 42 - Nestlé Butterfinger
23 of 42 - Nestlé Crunch 

24 of 42 - Nestlé - Sweet Tarts by "Nestle of South America" (imported)

25 of 42 - Old Mission Candies
26 of 42 - Peeps
27 of 42 - Reese's Rocky Mountain Chocolate

28 of 42 - Roca (c. 1912; Brown & Haley Company, Tacoma, Washington)   https://www.brown-haley.com/about-us    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almond_Roca
a copycat recipe for this & some other:  https://thebigmansworld.com/homemade-almond-roca/     
another recipe version:  https://www.recipegirl.com/almond-roca/

29 of 42 - Russell Stover  (c. 1923) a photo/info timeline:  https://www.russellstover.com/russell-stover-history  
detailed info:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Stover_Candies

30 of 42 - Scripture Candy (c. about 1996)  www.scripturecandy.com

31 of 42 - See's Candies
Swiss Colony
36 of 42 - "The Chiefs Jelly Beans"

1996 - 100th Anniversary; 5"rd x6"; (TTM#1793) Bought new & filled - didn't list price.  

Werther's Original 

41 of 42 - Willy Wonka  (c. 17 May 1971 -  a candy bar with the W.W. name to promote the 1st W.W. movie)
A Willy Wonka bar - real or fictional?
the back story:  https://www.brandlandusa.com/2005/12/12/how-wonka-became-real-2/

42 of 42 - Wrigley's (c. 1893) https://www.companieshistory.com/wrigleys/
Gum was originally marketed by being given away free with the purchase of baking soda. (from a "search")
the Wikipedia report:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrigley_Company   

An "Odd Man Out" as this outfit no longer has a website.

End of Group #3 for

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   

Begin Group #4

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   

All Bran

Chex Cereal - famous for:

Chex Party Mix  (c. 1952)

Cream of Wheat
Gerber's (cereal)

Kellogg's (c. 1877, 1898, 1906 - a step-by-step process)  
One of the stories of history:  https://www.history.com/news/cereal-breakfast-origins-kellogg
The long timeline of events - almost 150 years by now:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kellogg%27s

Quaker Oats (c. oatmeal began in 1856; the name Quaker Oats began in 1901; cornmeal began ???)

Shredded Wheat     

End of Group #4 for

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

C (continuing)

Chicago Candy Capitol
Take some time to go to a "movie" on YouTube!  Everyone born since 1970 ought to have this bit of history in them.  Based on candy in Chicago, it covers bits of the Great Depression, WWII, business, entrepreneurship, economics, family  relationships, views of factory workers, & more. It's amazing & well worth the time!!


Now if you want more Chicago Candy viewing, here are 60 additional You Tubes to choose from (I have not viewed)

A "short" to read mentioning the 1871 Great Chicago Fire, Columbian Exposition in 1893, Prohibition (1920-33) & breweries-bars-beers & malt to drink to candy malted milk balls to eat!  
A photo timeline:  

Begin Group #5 for
Cocoa - Hot Chocolate

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Carnation Hot Cocoa (c. 1860s)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnation_%28brand%29    
- part of the Nestle Beverage Co.     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestl%C3%A9
The 1866-1904 history segment is most interesting.  (Click on the blue cross by "Period Highlights.")   https://www.nestle.com/about/history/nestle-company-history

Hershey's Cocoa 

McSteven's Cocoa, Spiced Apple Cider drink (c. early 1980s? in Portland, Oregon; now in Vancouver, Washington) (a gift supplier)    https://mcstevens.com/pages/about-us

McSteven's - "Snoopy" Hot Chocolate

Swiss Colony, The
Van Houten Dutch Cocoa (USA?)

End of Group #5 for
Cocoa - Hot Chocolate

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Begin Group #6 for

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chase & Sanborn Coffee
Hills Bros. Coffee

J. A. Folger (coffee) (c. 1850)  https://www.folgerscoffee.com/history

Maxwell House (coffee)
Proctor & Gamble (coffee)

End of Group #6 for

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

C continues

Collins Street Bakery (fruitcake) (c.  )

Cracker Jacks (caramel corn) (c. 1872, 1893; 1896 name registered; 1910 addition of a "coupon," i.e. fun item)
a good beginning:  https://news.npr.org/programs/morning/features/patc/crackerjack/index.html 
a great photo story:  https://www.mashed.com/814585/the-untold-truth-of-cracker-jack/
interesting pics:  
filling in if others missed anything!  