**  TINS of TASTE MUSEUM  **  within the NationalBreadMuseum.org

  GERMANY -- Lebkuchen Schmidt
  formerly known by it's founder's name:
E. Otto Schmidt Lebkuchen

Renamed the Lebkuchen Schmidt Company about 1990.

[pronounced:  labe' (rhymes with babe, Gabe), koo (rhymes with who), ken (like the name)]

* * * Disclosure:  This is not a company website, but made with personal photos from my collection of the Schmidt Company tins. * * *     
Donna Kozak, Founder

cover of a 2021 tin
cover of a 2021 tin

The used-to-be, commonly-known, "Otto Schmidt" Lebkuchen Company began in 1926 according to their history info on this following website:  do a highlight, copy, & paste of this because it won't connect in a link:  https://www.lebkuchen-schmidt.com/en/about-us/company-and-history/    In 2017, they put out a 90th anniversary Festive Chest. They have had a history of packaging Lebkuchen in beautiful tins at least since 1956, which is the earliest year for their largest tin named the Festive Chest.  Possibly, prior to then, there could have been an untold number of other tins &/or chests, but it's hard to determine.  (I know there are 2 chests of the same size with 730/1 and 730/2 numbers on them and were most likely prior to 1956.  Possibly they were used to see if people would purchase a larger quantity and variety at one time?!?  So it's possible that those two were issued in 1954 & 1955.)

The company told me they kept no records, nor photos (just a typed list which they gave me on a visit in 1990, of Festive Chest descriptions since the first in 1956).  It was in 1990, when they produced their first catalog for the 1990/91 holiday season, and the new Lebkuchen-Schmidt name was used with their "Zollhausstrasse 30" address in NΓΌrnberg.  Until the 1980s, very seldom was there an identifying date on most tins/Dosen and chests/Truhen.  This changed when the ingredient list was required in the 1980s, and then all the ingredient info was printed on the bottom of the "tins/Dosen," and a sell-by date was stamped on the boxes of chests.  This date is the year following the Christmas season in which that tin was sold, to reflect the "sell-by" time.   

With the Otto Schmidt Lebkuchen chests/Truhen, besides a sell-by date stamped on the box, a separate ingredient paper with the required product info is inside.  But all of that only began in the early 1980s.  So again, prior to that change, it's extremely difficult to accurately date almost every tin & chest before then (for every company), and even since -- especially the ones considered "chests," not only for Otto Schmidt, but for almost all of the Lebkuchen companies because very seldom is there a date on the chest/tin, itself.  Also, without the box, or a company/catalog record, an old dated advertising poster, or some other identifying information, etc., the date will never be known.

A ray of light in all of this is a rare identification exception which began on the Otto Schmidt Festive Chest in 1984.  The actual year-date was punched into the tin on the bottom of the "Festive Chest"/Festtags-Truhe from 1984 up through 2020.  Today that name is translated into English on the website as the "Holiday Chest," but is still "Festive" in the English-version catalog.    Then all of a sudden in 2021, there was no date (!), nor in 2022!!  But in 2023, the year was again on the bottom of this chest, & I hope it continues.  So, since the "Schmidt" Festive Chest is the longest-running series of any style/name of a tin chest that I'm aware of, there are now only 2 years that the Festive Chest has absolutely no identifying number or date on it.  

A NOTE OF CAUTION if you're either buying, but especially if you're selling, a tin on the internet.  Ignorance could lead to a lot of trouble for sellers when they flippantly attach the adjectives to the tin they're selling, saying it's
- - - "vintage" (means at least 20, but generally 40+ years old; think of your Mom or Grandma in their young years),
- - - "old" (When are you "old?" - already at 5-10-20 years??? - It should be more than vintage!), 
- - - "rare" (Webster says scarce or unusual, but I see dozens of "similar-designed," OR even some of exactly the same as what someone is selling, on the same website, described as "rare!"), or
- - - "an antique" (must actually be 100 years old or more).   

Today (Nov. 2024) 3 Lebkuchen-Schmidt chests were on eBay, being advertised as "vintage & rare."  They were a 2022, 2023, and unbelievably, already this 2024 season's chests!!!  I wrote to the sellers!  I couldn't believe it.  So unless there is verifiable, factual evidence to back up a claim, sellers beware - - - just state a description.  And to buyers - - if it's important that you need to know the date for some reason, then it's up to you to also have a way to verify.  And hopefully, all my years of learned info from collecting, & the untold number of hours of research for this website, & time put into it to build it, will help inquiring minds.

~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~

For documentary purposes, the photographs follow what everyone should use as the standard photographing system of a tin:
A - the cover; + sometimes a cover detail;  The cover determines the shape & some of the size of the tin.
B - Beginning with the seam on the left, designs on the tin are in the sequence of turning the tin clockwise.  For website viewing, not all designs on every tin are always shown, but the photos will begin with the seam to the left and photos going around to the right, turning the tin clockwise.  (With 99% of the tins, there is only one seam for the side panels, but there have been a few exceptions with large rectangular or square tins having 2-4 seams.  If so, I try to note such.)
C - Also, if there are repeats of designs on the front & back, or the two side/or end panels, there won't be duplicate photos, but then I do try to give that info.  If a tin has no identification on the bottom, it won't be shown, and there are times a photo of the bottom (with insignificant stamped info) will also be omitted to conserve space on this page, but yet have the art designs large enough for viewing.

Description Info given: Identifying the name and/or style of the tin if there is one known & the year.
If there is a (TTM#xxxx), it is the museum's internal catalog #.  Pay no attention.  Those #s are not sequential w/dates.  If there is a 2nd # in (---), it's the company # - from a Lebkuchen-Schmidt catalog or on the tin itself.  

~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~

This website page displays Otto Schmidt & Lebkuchen-Schmidt chests, tins, & some related info according to the following INDEX:             

Festive Chests, followed by their companion 6-stuck (rhymes with spook) round tins,
& Nuremberg-named
CHESTS (truhen)   --   New ones are filled with gorgeously decorated bags, boxes, & containers of many various flavors of Lebkuchen, & some other traditional types of holiday cookies, etc.

All Other CHESTS  (filled when bought new, with decorative bags, boxes, or wrappers of various varieties of Lebkuchen and related cookies)

All Various TINS (dose/n) which originally held 4-to-8 Lebkuchen cookies per tin.  Lebkuchen are unglazed, white-glaze coated, or milk- or dark-chocolate coated.

~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~

1 - Festive Chest - Q: How old are you?!?  A: 68 years in 2023  (above - Lebkuchen bakers - 1972 - #17)
(NOTE:  # 4-5-6 info, below, was updated/corrected on Nov. 13, 2023, for continued accuracy as facts of dates are discovered.)

(1) Since 1956, there has been a new design each year.
(2) The cover is hinged with a flat top, curved or sloping edges, a flat rim, & squared-off corners.
(3) Sometimes the design has a 3-D surface on the cover &/or frame.  (Both are on the bakers above.)
(4) 1956 (735/01) - 1997 (735/42)(more?) there was a "735/xx" number on the outside center back of the flat edge of the cover.
(5) 1984 - 1997 (maybe more) the year was also pressed into the bottom of the tin, so each had double identification.
(6) 1998 - 2020 the year continued to be pressed into the bottom of the chest, but sadly 2021 & 2022 have no dating. The "use/sell by date" is stamped on the outside of the box, as it is on all other "chests."  2023 the date was again pressed into the bottom.
(7) Each Festive Chest had and still has a companion 6-stuck tin inside. (Pronounce stuck to rhyme w/spook.)  That means there were 6 Lebkuchen/cookies inside it. 
(8) Since sometime in the 1980s, the ingredients & a "sell/use by" date have been printed on the bottom of tins/dose (but not on  chests/truhen). Therefore, the previous year is the date of the tin when it was filled with its contents
.  (Some companies have continued to use the same designed tin since I first saw it in the 1980s, but rarely does Lebkuchen-Schmidt repeat a tin.)

2 - Enclosures - Maybe from the beginning in 1956, until around 1995 - 2000, a parchment with the history of the tin art design was included - - glued to the inside of the cover.  At some point in time, at least in the 1980s & onward, a colored art print (which could be framed) was included each year through 2010.  (I won't know specific dates until the glorious day when all of the tins can be unpacked!  There were no photos of this item in the catalogs which began in 1990.)  In 2011, a tin plate "Wall Calendar" was included for 3 years.  In 2014, these tin plates were made as a wall hanging which were still part of the Festive Chest series in 2024.  

*Also, at least some years during the 1980s, a small, wooden, springerle (spring' er lah) cookie mold was included in each Festive Chest.  Springerle is a traditional German cookie, flavored with anise (licorice).  One of the molds (below), in its original packaging, shows an enclosed insert telling of some carved wooden mold history:  

It says that in the past it was customary to decorate pastries for a festive occasion. Carving was a centuries-old tradition
and profession, even including a "masters" skill level at some point in time.  The molds were carved of
seasoned wood 
of fruit trees, mostly apple or pear.  The cookie designs are colored either before or after baking.  
In this small insert it also says that there will be a new mold design each year,
but it was this same design in the yearly Festive Chests I bought during those 1980 years.

P.S.  Look at how the eye deceives you - at least it does for me, but it's the same mold!  You press it on the dough for an imprint.

1983 * * *   story in the cover

* * *

art to frame


3 - The following is a photo portfolio of some of the Festive Chest covers between 1956 and 2024.  During the 1988-91 years of going to 1-5 flohmarkts a week, I was able to collect all but 6 of the #735/xx Festive Chest series & only one of the 2 before, #730/1.  In 2024, I was able to get 2 of the missing 6 (#735/4 & /5 out of France), & get a photo of one other - #735/7.  But during the times I've scrolled through thousands of Lebkuchen tins for sale on the German eBay, never once have I yet seen 3 of the missing chests (of the 735#s - 8, 10, & 11).

So, the chests I am yet missing are #s 735/7**, 8, 10, 11.  The years are  1962, 63, and 65, 66.
The number is on the center back of the outside of the flat rim of the cover.
If anyone reading this has a #735/8-10-11 tin, I'd dearly love some photos.  Please email me at breadmuseum@aol.com. 

**P.S. August 2024 - I got an email giftπŸ™:  photos of the #7 - 1962 Festive Chest from the owner in France!    
Also, I need a volunteer partner in Germany, as I'm hoping to find & get 5 missing Festive Chests, & 1 tin for each of around 15 various old companies I learned of through these past years when I saw a tin for sale on the German eBay.  I need someone who would volunteer with me in this project, and maybe buy, but to especially receive, & hold on to fill a box to mail to me in 10 or 20 kg increments.  Again, I'm reimbursing the actual cost.  So if you're willing to help, please let me knowπŸ˜‰.

1956 - #735/1
1956 - #735/1
1957 - #735/2
1957 - #735/2
1958 - #735/3
1958 - #735/3

#4 - 1959 & #5 - 1960
just acquired
 (photos coming)

1961 - #6 (black & silver)
1961 - #6 (black & silver)
#735/7 πŸ‘πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ™ A photo from a viewer in Europe!  It's the 1st time to ever see #7πŸ˜„! What a blessing after 40 years of hunting so far!
#735/7 πŸ‘πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ™ A photo from a viewer in Europe! It's the 1st time to ever see #7πŸ˜„! What a blessing after 40 years of hunting so far!

<---#7 - 1962 Don't have #7 or #8 - 1963. Have NEVER seen #8!!
Would love to have one of each gifted❣

1964 - #9 (black & copper)
1964 - #9 (black & copper)

#10 & #11 - 1965 & 1966
Have NEVER seen!!!
Would love to have them  gifted❣

1967 - #735/12
1967 - #735/12
1968 - #13
1968 - #13
1970 - #15 (black with silver)
1970 - #15 (black with silver)
1971 - #16 (copper)
1971 - #16 (copper)
1972 - #17 (black with brass & silver)
1972 - #17 (black with brass & silver)
1973 - #18
1973 - #18
1974 - #19 (black)
1974 - #19 (black)
1975 - #20 (brown I believe)
1975 - #20 (brown I believe)

#12 - 1976 --- #13 - 1977
Have, but in storage!

1978 - #735/23 (red)
1978 - #735/23 (red)
1979 - #24 (silver with gold)
1979 - #24 (silver with gold)
1980 - #25
1980 - #25
1981 - #26 (olive green)
1981 - #26 (olive green)
1982 - #27
1982 - #27
1983 - #28 (blue); repeated 2022 in white bldgs. & light blue frame
1983 - #28 (blue); repeated 2022 in white bldgs. & light blue frame
1984 - #735/29 (wine); repeated 2007 (green); 2024 (blue)
1984 - #735/29 (wine); repeated 2007 (green); 2024 (blue)

1985 - #735/30
in storage

1986 - #31 (orange)
1986 - #31 (orange)

1987 - #735/32
in storage w/many of the following which are missing.

1988 - #33 (wine-burgandy)
1988 - #33 (wine-burgandy)
1990 - #35 (blue)
1990 - #35 (blue)
1991 - #36
1991 - #36
1994 - #39
1994 - #39
1996 - #41 (orange I believe)
1996 - #41 (orange I believe)
1997 - #42 (deep burgandy)
1997 - #42 (deep burgandy)
2002 - #47 (burgandy)
2002 - #47 (burgandy)
2003 - #48 (blue)
2003 - #48 (blue)
2006 - #51 (blue)
2006 - #51 (blue)
2009 - #54 (burgandy-deep red)
2009 - #54 (burgandy-deep red)
2012 - #57 (deep blue)
2012 - #57 (deep blue)
2017 - #62 (deep blue & red); similar to Historic Nurnberg Chest in 2018
2017 - #62 (deep blue & red); similar to Historic Nurnberg Chest in 2018
2018 - #63 (deep blue)
2018 - #63 (deep blue)
2019 - #64 (dark grey)
2019 - #64 (dark grey)
2020 - #65 (deep, deep blue)
2020 - #65 (deep, deep blue)
2022 - #67 (deep blue); from 1983
2022 - #67 (deep blue); from 1983
2023 - #68 (deep red)
2023 - #68 (deep red)

The former E. Otto Schmidt, now the Lebkuchen-Schmidt "Festive Chest"

2019  -  the 64th year of this Festive Chest  -  The house of Albrecht DΓΌrer (a famous German painter, 1471-1528) is on the cover.  It's at the northern end of the Old Town area of Nuremberg which is surrounded by a medieval wall with castle towers:  in the 2nd photo.  There's a Youth Hostel in these ancient (500+ yrs.) castle wallsπŸ˜‰.  See DΓΌrer's self-portrait on the cover of the 1971 Festive Chest, above.  

Festive Chest 2019 Cover (silver)  - - the famous Albrecht DΓΌrer Haus.
Festive Chest 2019 Cover (silver) - - the famous Albrecht DΓΌrer Haus.
front - back repeat
front - back repeat
 sides repeat  (ToT#3729)
sides repeat (ToT#3729)
2019 date pressed in
2019 date pressed in
Personal Photos
Personal Photos
from a visit -->
from a visit -->
to the historical
to the historical
Albrecht DΓΌrer
Albrecht DΓΌrer
haus (house) in
haus (house) in

2018 - Festive Chest - 63rd year -- "The Artist" - Albrecht DΓΌrer as the artist & his house on the sides/ends.

Festive Chest 2018 Cover
Festive Chest 2018 Cover
Nuremberg's Castle:  front - back repeat
Nuremberg's Castle: front - back repeat
Albrecht DΓΌrer's house   sides/ends repeat  (TTM#3526)
Albrecht DΓΌrer's house sides/ends repeat (TTM#3526)
2018 date pressed in
2018 date pressed in

2017:  90th Year Anniversary of the Otto Schmidt company -  Year 62  --  The Night Guard/Town Crier Tin Plate

Festive Chest 2017 - cover
Festive Chest 2017 - cover
cover detail - (TTM#3504)
cover detail - (TTM#3504)
front - back repeat
front - back repeat
sides repeat
sides repeat
2017 Tin Plate to hang
2017 Tin Plate to hang
2017 date pressed in
2017 date pressed in

1991:  36th Festive Chest  --  2nd year that the former E. Otto Schmidt name was now Lebkuchen-Schmidt (L-S).

Cover; Date on the bottom w~L-S name, address.
Cover; Date on the bottom w~L-S name, address.

1990:  35th Festive Chest - 1st year of a catalog, & with colored photos of the tins for the Christmas season.  Filled tin cost 72,50 DM = $48 in Germany.  The E. Otto Schmidt company name was changed to Lebkuchen-Schmidt.

back with hinged-cover
back with hinged-cover

1978: 23rd Festive Chest - extra colorful; representing a huge segment of central European history in the 1300s.

back with # on center of cover
back with # on center of cover
left side
left side
right side above & enlarged below
right side above & enlarged below
Charles-Karel-Karl-Carolus-Wenceslaus (all the same) . . . reigned 1346 - death 1378.
Charles-Karel-Karl-Carolus-Wenceslaus (all the same) . . . reigned 1346 - death 1378.
Only King (of Bohemia - Bohemian Kingdom) to also become a Holy Roman Emperor;
Only King (of Bohemia - Bohemian Kingdom) to also become a Holy Roman Emperor;
King of Germany, Luxembourg, & Bohemia (western Czech Republic & SW Poland)
King of Germany, Luxembourg, & Bohemia (western Czech Republic & SW Poland)
infant baptism
infant baptism
(front ) "reading of a decree" - Golden Bull of 1356 ... It had a golden seal (in Latin, bulla).
(front ) "reading of a decree" - Golden Bull of 1356 ... It had a golden seal (in Latin, bulla).
Kaiser Karl IV; 1316 - 1378;  Regarded as the Father of the Czech Republic; famous Charles Bridge named for him.
Kaiser Karl IV; 1316 - 1378; Regarded as the Father of the Czech Republic; famous Charles Bridge named for him.
... "at the Reichstag (i.e. Parliament) 1355 in Nuremburg"
... "at the Reichstag (i.e. Parliament) 1355 in Nuremburg"
Beekeepers taking their honey to Nuremberg (fur Lebkuchen, ja? πŸ˜„ Ja!)
Beekeepers taking their honey to Nuremberg (fur Lebkuchen, ja? πŸ˜„ Ja!)

1958:  3rd Festive Chest (735/03)

back with hinged-cover
back with hinged-cover
left side
left side
right side
right side
# 735/3 on cover
# 735/3 on cover

ABOVE:  Festive Chests (Began with a 735/xx number system in 1956, printed on the outside, center back, flat rim of the cover.  This # continued at least through 1997, & maybe 1-2 more years.  I won't know until all the tins get unpacked someday, OR someone checks their Festive Chest & tells me by emailπŸ˜‰.)    Included in each one was a companion 6-stuck (rhymes with spook) tin which is this next group of tins.  They are from newest in date (when known) to oldest.  If you're trying to identify a tin you have, & it is this size & shape (around 4.5" rd. x 5.5"), it might also be in the "Dose = tins/cans" category nearer the bottom of this page.

1.  Festive Chest 6-stuck companion tins  

2019 FC 6-stuck  (TTM#3735)
2019 FC 6-stuck (TTM#3735)
2015 FC 6-stuck; (TTM#3582)
2015 FC 6-stuck; (TTM#3582)
2009 Festive Chest 6-stuck  --  cover
2009 Festive Chest 6-stuck -- cover
2008 Festive Chest    6-stuck  --  cover
2008 Festive Chest 6-stuck -- cover

End of the "Festive Chest" Category with the included 6-stuck tins.

This next INDEX is the company's other chests.  Following this section is the INDEX for the Dose, or "tins & cans."

"Nuremberg" Chests in alphabetical order, & then descending by date:

2 -Colorful Nuremberg Chest
3 -
Historic Nuremberg Chest - hinged cover
4 -
Old Nuremberg Chest - hinged cover
5 -
Picturesque Nuremberg Chest
6 -
Small Nuremberg Chest (Kleines Nurnberg Kastchen)
7 - Nuremberg Arched Chest (half a circle - removeable cover)
8 -
Nuremberg Elisen Chest (large oval - removeable cover)
Nuremberg Gift Chest
10 - Nuremberg Night Chest
11 - Nuremberg Winter Chest

Various -- "One of" or limited-named chests (not with "Nuremberg" in the name):
12 - Art Chest & Art Tin
13 - Globe Chest
14 - Winter's Evening Chest
15 - Winter Village Chest

P. S. There might be additional names.  They'll be added as we learn of them.

"Nuremberg" Chests in alphabetical order, & then descending by date.

2 - Colorful Nuremberg Chest 2018 -- first year for the "colorful" name  (7" x 11" x 5 3/4")

ends/sides repeat
ends/sides repeat
front & back repeat
front & back repeat
bottom - no date
bottom - no date

3 - Historic Nuremberg Chest  -  hinged cover

2018 - Cover - (TTM#3579); similar to 2017 Festive Chest
2018 - Cover - (TTM#3579); similar to 2017 Festive Chest
Ends & front-back repeat.
Ends & front-back repeat.
no date on the tin
no date on the tin
A fairytale story
A fairytale story
written in German
written in German
inside the Historic
inside the Historic
Chest - was maybe in the 2018 tin.
Chest - was maybe in the 2018 tin.
Having fun & baking
Having fun & baking
a Lebkuchen cookie.
a Lebkuchen cookie.

4 - Old Nuremberg Chest  - hinged cover  (8" x 12 3/3 x 6 1/2" high)

2009  --  cover
2009 -- cover
front & back repeat
front & back repeat
ends repeat
ends repeat
contents - mostly Lebkuchen
contents - mostly Lebkuchen

5 - Picturesque Nuremberg Chest 2009 - 7" x 11 7/8" x 4 1/4" high (from 2007-10; & 2017) (2008, 09, 10, have 3-D pop-ups) - (no tins by this name in 2011-16) - (2006 was a "Pictorial" Nuremberg Chest name)

2009 - cover;  has a cardstock,
2009 - cover; has a cardstock,
 (pop-up) diorama
(pop-up) diorama
back w/hinges;  .........     repeats on the front
back w/hinges; ......... repeats on the front
stamped info
stamped info

6 - Small Nuremberg Chest (Kleines Nurnberg Kastchen)  -  still made in 2023;  (removeable cover)

2018 - (ToT#3577)
2018 - (ToT#3577)
Front/back & ends repeat.
Front/back & ends repeat.
2009 Small/Little Nuremberg Chest
2009 Small/Little Nuremberg Chest
contents - 3 pkgs. Lebkuchen;  basic Lebkuchen-Schmidt info pressed in tin on the bottom
contents - 3 pkgs. Lebkuchen; basic Lebkuchen-Schmidt info pressed in tin on the bottom

7 - Nuremberg Arched Chest (half a circle - removeable cover)

8 - Nuremberg Elisen Chest (large oval - removeable cover)

2018 - (ToT#3578)
2018 - (ToT#3578)

9 - Nuremberg Gift Chest

10 - Nuremberg Night Chest

11 - Nuremberg Winter Chest

front & back
front & back
pressed tin info
pressed tin info

Various -- "One of" or limited-named chests (not with "Nuremberg" in the name):

12 - Art Chest & Art Tin 

13 - Globe Chest -- In 2008 it was a gold world, tan water;    2009 was a tan world, light blue water;
This is the 2013 globe:  a caramel world, deep blue water.  (Euro 25,90 
filled w/Leb.. . . about $35.00 that year in Germany @ $1.35/Euro, & maybe a total of $50-55 w/shipping that year if ordered directly from the company, OR if you had a military connection who'd buy & mail to you; but if there's a profit to be made by a retailer, the cost in the USA would & still will be at least double & up to triple-or-more the company's Euro/exchanged-into-dollars retail cost for almost all imported products.) 


14 - Winter's Evening Chest

15 - Winter Village Chest

End of the "Chest" Category

The "Dosen" begin here - means "cans" or just "tins" -
(not a "chest" which might or might not have a hinged cover).

NOTE:  These are listed in alphabetical order according to the given name, & in descending date from current to oldest.

16 - Advertising Pillar - Large
17 - Mini Pillars
18- Diabetic 6-Stuck Tin
19 - Elisen Tins -- Christkindlesmarkt-2018, Christmas City, NΓΌrnberger, Mini, Small (or various other names)
20 - Emperor's (Kaiser) Elisen Tin -- 5-stuck
21 - Giant (Grosse) Elisen Round Tin -- Began at least in 1999 (or earlier?)
22 - Hexagonal Elisen Tin (4 7/8" point-to-point; 7 1/8" tall)
23 - Music Box Tins
24 - Rotating Tins - Carousel
25 - Suitcase - Elisen (large - still in 2020 ) & (small/mini)
26 - Telegram Box Tin (a cylinder)

P. S. There were additional names of tins which I never got. In time, I'll add those names as I go through the catalogs.

16 - Advertising Pillar - Large (4 1/2" round x 8" tall) with 10 Leb. -- Began in 2008 (2022 = 15th Edition)  

2018 -- #11 Large Pillar - Bottom filled w/basic FDA info
2018 -- #11 Large Pillar - Bottom filled w/basic FDA info
2009  --  #2 Large Pillar -- 4 1/2" rd x 8"
2009 -- #2 Large Pillar -- 4 1/2" rd x 8"

17 - MINI PILLARS (2 5/8" round x 7 1/8" tall) with 6 mini round Lebkuchen; Bottoms have the printed Otto Schmidt logo & content info and the stamped "use by date." 

2019 - 12th Edition
2019 - 12th Edition
2018 - 11th Edition
2018 - 11th Edition

18 - Diabetic 6-Stuck Tin (Dose) - What's great about this tin with raised embossing is that the cover has a date!


19 - Elisen Tins -- Christkindlesmarkt-2018, Christmas City, NΓΌrnberger, Mini, Small (or various other names)

2019 - Elisendose - 4 1/2" round x 5 1/2" tall
2019 - Elisendose - 4 1/2" round x 5 1/2" tall
2009 - Elisendose  -----  4 1/2" round x 5 1/2" tall
2009 - Elisendose ----- 4 1/2" round x 5 1/2" tall
bottom of tin fully printed with all required FDA info
bottom of tin fully printed with all required FDA info
company Art-Nr. 5073 42 & Art-Nr. 61319
company Art-Nr. 5073 42 & Art-Nr. 61319

20 - Emperor's (Kaiser) Elisen Tin -- 5-stuck

21 - Giant (Grosse) Elisen Round Tin -- Began at least in 1999 (or earlier?) 

22 - Hexagonal Elisen Tin (4 7/8" point-to-point; 7 1/8" tall) 

2009 8-stuck; cover
2009 8-stuck; cover

23 - Music Box Tins

2009 Music Box
2009 Music Box
Design repeats on the front & back.
Design repeats on the front & back.
End design repeats.
End design repeats.
basic pressed info on the bottom TTM#537
basic pressed info on the bottom TTM#537

24 - Rotating Tins - Carousel 

25 - Suitcase - Elisen (large and mini sizes: began ?xxx?; 2020 was the last year.) 

26 - Telegram Box Tin (a hinged-cover cylinder)

2009 - 1st of 8-9 years; some designs were sold for 2 years - but sometimes then, with a different background color/design.
2009 - 1st of 8-9 years; some designs were sold for 2 years - but sometimes then, with a different background color/design.
hinged cover
hinged cover
2 packs of 5 or 6 Lebkuchen
2 packs of 5 or 6 Lebkuchen
The 2 ends repeat.
The 2 ends repeat.
the company product guarantee
the company product guarantee

Maybe some additional.