** Tins of Taste Museum (TTM) ** within NationalBreadMuseum.org
GERMANY - H to N Lebkuchen Companies w/Tins (the lesser-known companies)
So far one tin for each of these two German Lebkuchen companies is on this page:
2_Hopfner Druck; 3_Hutner; 9~Michael Stich- Dinkelsbühl
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Below are 2 lists for which at least 1 tin has been seen/discovered so far, but if it's marked with *#, there is no tin in the Tins of Taste Museum (TTM) collection for that company.
It's believed that the German Lebkuchen companies in this 1st list, w/the names H - N, no longer exist. Those highlighted in bold already have a tin on this page.
1st H-N LIST: 1~Hans Schneider*#; 2-Hildebrand's*#; 3~Hopfner Druck; 4~Hutner; 5~JGH Lotter*#; 6~Keim & Co.; 7~Mark Graf; 8~Martin Wirsing - Bayreuth*#; 9~Michael Stich- Dinkelsbühl
2nd H-N LIST: All, but Kisskalt, are in business today, & if underlined, that company already has its own website page for its tins in the TTM tin collection. (See the "Germany Company Index" in the MENU.)
2nd LIST: (1) Haeberlein-Metzger, (2) Gegr. J. F. Kisskalt, (3) Lambertz - 1688, (4) Nusselt,
and (5) Matthias Stielfried
3 ~ Hopfner Druck
There is no information on the internet about this company. I'll have to wait and depend on someone in Germany or elsewhere, who has knowledge of this company, to send some information, if it still exists.

4 ~ Hutner
No information can be found.

9~Michael Stich- Dinkelsbühl
This is a tin of past years from a company of past years. I've found no Lebkuchen history info on the internet for either Michael Stich or the town of Dinkelsbühl.
This tin came from a seller in the U.S.
It is very colorful, and all the worn spots are a result of moisture conditions through the years.