(1) Welcome to the National Bread Museum's
Bread Culture Museum in Artifact History
An insight into the historical grain-related artifacts which hold the life stories of our fathers "working the land" as sowers and tillers, reapers and millers. We have become their beneficiaries with the grains that sustain us today. It's vital to understand and remember our roots, lest we fall into the dependency of others!
Growing God's Good Grains - the foundation of this country's growth and survival. "1607 . . . but later John Smith returned to Powhatan's village on the York River to barter for grain to feed his colony."
The SMELLS and TASTES from the HEART of the HOME
Over 1,000 historical artifacts related to our grandmothers' HOME BAKING, plus associated KITCHENALIA, are within a 45-year core collection, as a gift for the creation of the National Bread Museum. The dream of preserving an old building (maybe grain-related?) in the Omaha, Nebraska, area for the museum location is currently the main goal. In order for us to reach that goal, we're asking for your help to make this happen asap for our country by giving a donation right now in 2024; otherwise, memories fade & history is lost as artifacts also die.
Most of the late 1800-to-WWII, already-collected artifacts, hold the way-of-life stories of our European and American ancestors of that era, while the historical artifacts of WWII till today represent the living history of our fast-changing "heart of the home" baking culture. Artifacts representing our country's ancestors from other regions of the world could be contributed by those descendants. Some examples below . . . See more on the two "Artifact" links at the top/bottom of this page, or in the MENU.
Baking-related artifacts tell the story of yesteryear - especially of our moms and grandmas. It was common to have a stay-at-home career to raise a family, work as a partner with her husband - whether toiling to live off the land or survive in the city - and recognizing the need that was and still is especially significant, to devote a good part of one's life to home baking. The "how to" was handed on down which is sadly and quickly disappearing.
Meanwhile, it was usually the men who worked the land, harvested, and milled the grain. Others went from kitchen to commercial, or teaching, publishing, or manufacturing - both in pans & equipment, or ingredients & grain-based foods.
Why you need to donate to Preserve Our Ancestral Grain & Baking Heritage History
Preserving our country's Grain & Baking Heritage should be a nation-wide community effort. This is a project in which each of us needs the other to help raise the $25M for the project's goal to preserve our country's personal Bread Culture history of our ancestors' lives (of Ag/Grain-Milling-Flour-Bread/Baking) - by creating the National Bread Museum (NBM) complex to provide the cultural education of our past in this nation, to inspire & teach healthy baking, & help eliminate hunger with our abundant grains.
The U.S. should not be missing from the world's Bread Museum list as a place to visit, ESPECIALLY SINCE WE'VE HAD THE GRAINS TO FEED OURSELVES, PLUS A LOT OF THE WORLD. It's time we plant ourselves in this area.
There are a reported 90-or-so bread-affiliated & actual Bread Museums around the world, but none of the NBM scope in this country. (Even though it's only online at this time, the National Bread Museum is recognized for the USA in the Atlas - Bread Museums in Europe & Beyond. See the full book under the "Bread Publications" link at breadculture.net.
It's believed that this is a "We the People" project from the "grain roots" up! We're praying you'll become part of the "yeast" to "Raise the Dough!" You can also help "Sow the Word" about this project to all other souls and encourage them to also participate. You, and many of your generations henceforth, will then be able to "reap & glean" great grain benefits. Therefore, your Tribute Donation, in recognition of your grandmothers, will be a vital contribution in preserving this country's Bread Culture history of the world.
"Do good with what thou hast or it will do thee no good."
This is "intro page" for museum component #1. Go to:
(2) The Baking Mill; (3) Stone Oven Bakery & Eatery; (4) Library & Cookbook Culture Archive;
(5) Tins of Taste Museum & Art-on-Tin Study Center;
(6) Cultural Heritage Center & Immigration Museum;
(7) A Glimpse into the Past; (8) Grandma's Legacy
(9) Archiving Omaha's Grain History